It is not simply a distant possibility; it is a personal experience that I share with other young people of my generation. We face the challenge of unaffordable prices, a lack of housing supply and a real estate market that presents difficulties for many of us. This situation is not just frustrating, but also unsustainable. I am surprised and deeply concerned by the lack of interest in this issue. As a citizen, I am surprised and concerned by the lack of action from both the public and the experts.
While conversations are full of complaints and laments, there is still a lack of mobilization and concrete intervention. Young people may be lacking in motivation to take to the streets and make their voices heard. Demonstrations are exceedingly rare, which may weaken the pressure needed to bring about real change. In my view, the government's proposed measures could be more robust and effective. There is a growing feeling that we are stuck in a rut, and that we need to find solutions as soon as possible. Following the demonstration in Aliados on 28 September, I felt compelled to act. Since that day, I have been reflecting on this topic at length.
While demands and protests are undoubtedly important, it is also vital that they are accompanied by concrete and viable proposals. While it is important to identify the issues, it is also crucial to put forward solutions that can form the foundation for the change we all desire to see. It was important to draft this book for this purpose. There was a need for this manifesto to address the crisis in an objective and strategic way. In this analysis, I examine several proposals that have been put forth to address the housing issue.
Through this process, I have identified certain proposals that, in my view, may not be the most sustainable or efficient. I believe that some of the measures that have been put in place, such as: strict rent control; large-scale new housing construction without proper planning; and poorly targeted housing subsidies - have not produced the desired results. In some cases, they have even had the unintended consequence of making the situation worse.
We therefore put forward an alternative solution which we believe could be beneficial in revitalizing our cities through the rehabilitation of vacant buildings. Portugal has around 720,000 vacant properties - which could potentially represent a unique opportunity to increase the housing supply in a way that is quick, economical, and sustainable.
We believe that the rehabilitation of these properties could contribute to urban regeneration, the preservation of cultural heritage, the reduction of pressure on the peripheries and the promotion of a more balanced urban occupation.
It would be beneficial for Portuguese society to recognize the seriousness of the housing crisis and consider ways to find sustainable and lasting solutions. I believe that urban revitalization through the rehabilitation of vacant properties could offer a real opportunity to turn this crisis into a lever for development, promoting fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable cities.
It is important to involve a variety of stakeholders in this process. It would be beneficial for construction companies, associations, political parties, and city councils to work together in an integrated manner to achieve effective solutions.
It may be beneficial to consider the formation of a multidisciplinary team, comprising the most suitable professionals from each respective field, as a potential means of addressing this challenge in a coordinated and efficient manner. It would be beneficial for all if we could find ways to work together across different sectors of society to develop and implement strategies that respond to the real needs of the population.
This book is intended to encourage reflection and action. It is my hope that this will encourage debate and active participation from all citizens. I believe that change cannot be achieved by any one individual, but rather through collective effort and the mobilization of all sectors of society.
I have tried to be as objective as possible in putting together this proposal, aware that there are a few different perspectives and potentially effective solutions. I do not wish to undervalue the merits of other approaches, but rather to present the one I believe in and to explain in detail why I support it.
I would like to invite you to browse these pages with an open mind and a critical spirit. This work is not just a book it is a starting point for dialogue, mobilization and the implementation of solutions that could transform the housing reality in Portugal. We have the power to make a change. May this be the start of a collective journey towards fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable cities.
Porto, September 30th, 2024